G.O.T. (affectionate name for Game of Thrones) airs in just two weeks.
Excited? I am!!!
I know what happens in the books, however, isn't it nice to see the characters come alive on screen? We all know that this is just one adaptation of the book and quite a good adaptation it is. G.O.T. fans are popping up everywhere. We know that even Fantasy- dismissers are hiding away in their apartments gasping in shock and grief as Eddard Stark's head falls to the ground.
Sounds dramatic, but this series has caused quite a stir, inciting people who don't really read much (EVER) to devour all five of the A Song of Ice & Fire books and wait, quite impatiently, for the sixth.
I've discovered an interesting site where you can view a lovely interpretation of the map of Westeros (the land in which the series takes place). If your computer can handle it and you can figure out the quirks, there is a informative little timeline map that you can follow:
I would like to maintain an ongoing discussion of the series as it progresses, using the comments section below (for now). I'm quite eager to hear the thoughts of other G.O.T. fans and hope that people will contribute their feedback and their questions.
Let's start with the basic questions I've listed below. Please send me your questions and any other G.O.T. related issues you might want to discuss! Cheers!
1. For those who have read the series, did they pick the right actress to play Daenerys Targaryen?
2. Did they pick the right John Snow?
Sean Bean in Boardwalk Empire |
3. Which actors/actresses do not fit your vision of the characters they have been chosen to play?
4. Do you think the second series will be as good as the first?
5. I'm so sad that Eddard Stark is gone, but am happy that he has been reincarnated as a lovely lady in Boardwalk Empire. What say you?